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Kingdom Of Caladonia

Royal City of Padama -   Seat of the Royal House of Draconus, in dukedom of Maldavia; royal family reside in Tantalon Castle.  Royal army wears black tunics
with royal crest.

House of Draconus:

Royal family who has ruled Caladonia for he last one thousand years; the royal emblem is three gold lions on a field of dark black. The lions symbolize Tarquin, his son Talas the first true king, and his heir.

King Frederick -    Married Aislynn Cavell, now deceased, who gave him five

                                                                   sons; younger sister is Calista.

Queen Aislynn    Deceased; mother of Almaric, Galinn, Dinadan, Konall and Sertorius.

Prince Almaric -      Eldest born; emblem a white python on a field of green, and later,

                                                                  when he becomes the Wolf Prince it is  exchanged for a wolf on a

                                                                  black field.

Prince Dinadan -    Second born; emblem a black horse on a field of red; a scholar and

                                                                   coward; he prefers the company of knights to ladies. 

Prince Galinn -     Third son; sold into slaver to the Skardans by Almaric; his

                                                                 emblem is a red hawk on a white field.

Prince Konall -       Fourth son; emblem a yellow rutting stag on a field of black.

Prince Sertorius -   Youngest son; emblem a rampaging white lion on a field of

                                                                      blue; founder and leader of the Knights of Chaos.

Princess Calista -    Frederick’s sister; mother of Taliesin; married to John Mandrake.

Lord Ungus Cavell-  Father of Aislynn; chancellor and head of the High Counsel;

                                                                        grandfather of the five princes.

Deceased  Monarchs:

King Leonisius -   A Draconus king; hero of  the War of the Thorns fought over 100

                                                                 years ago.

King Korax -             The Raven King; a Lorian prince king who changed his name to 

                                                             Sanqualus when he left the Magic Realms, more than a thousand

                                                             years ago; his brother is King Boran Vorenius of the Lorians, and his

                                                             sister Duchess Dolabra of the Hellirin, and his uncle is Zarnoc; he was

                                                             the founder of Raven Clan, and ruled Caladonia for 10 years, built Black

                                                             Castle and formed the Knights of the Raven; Ringerike was forged for

                                                             him by Ardea, a Lorian sorceress, and one of his many lovers; he

                                                             married Madera, a Hellirin, the sister of General Folando, and had a

                                                            child by her who grew up with foster human parents; he slept with

                                                            Ysemay, Zarnoc's lover, on the eve of battle, and brought about his own

                                                            demise as a result; he was killed by Prince Tarquin Draconus, and later

                                                            buried in the Cave of the Snake God with the Raven Sword; his emblem

                                                            was a black raven on a field of red. 

King Magnus -   A Draconus king who outlawed all magic in the Magic Wars; fought

                                                             two hundred  years ago against his eldest son, Maynard, the Lorians,

                                                             Hellirin, dragons, dwarves, and magic users, and won. His daughter,

                                                             Mary, married a Peergynt; and his second son, Malachi became king.

King Talas -          Eldest son of Tarquin; entombed Ringerike and the body of King

                                                             Korax in the  Cave of the Snake God; he had three sons who each had a

                                                             son out of wedlock, and when each of his sons died, the High Counsel

                                                             under the Old Laws chose one of  their sons out of wedlock to sit on the

                                                             throne; considered the best king of all; he went into Skarda, and his

                                                             troops who remained became the modern day Skardans and use the

                                                            name of 'Talas' as a title for king.

Prince Tarquin -  The first Draconus; he traveled to Caladonia from another continent

                                                            with his wife, Valkyri, and they had two sons, Talas, who succeeded

                                                            him, and Lachenvar who was killed by a dragon along with his mother;

                                                            his flaming sword Calaburn was made to fight Ringerike, but he was

                                                            tricked into using a Lorian sword called Graysteel to kill King Korax,

                                                            the Raven King and stole his sword Ringerike; later betrayed by the

                                                            Raven Sword and killed; his capital was Ascalon Castle in modern day

                                                            Fregia, at the front range of the Stavehorn Mountains; and he is said to

                                                            haunt the castle.

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