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Kingdom Of Caladonia

Order Of Knights:

Knights of Chaos - 

                                                   Order created by Prince Sertorius; reside in Tantalon Castle; members include Sir

                                                      Morgrave, Sir Barstow, Sir Duroc  and Sir Gallus; wear dark black tunics emblem of a red


Knights of the White Stag -  

                                                      Located in Fregia; reside in Ragenvald Castle ; Grand Master Banik Dzobian - cousin

                                                      of  the  Duke of Erindor; wear white tunics and emblem of white stag outlined in black; Sir

                                                      Roland Brisbane (first knight), Sir Jordan (his twin brother Sir Justin served the Duke of

                                                      Thule, both are half-brothers of the current duke Andre Rigelus), Sir Bedwyn, Sir Tamal and

                                                      Sir Landrake are  members of the  order; squires include Simoon, Sirocco, Khamsin and

                                                      Harmattan Nova  of the Ghajar tribe.

Knights of the Blue Star -   

                                  Located in Bavol; reside at Clairmore Castle; celibate order of warrior/monks; light blue

                                                        tunics with the emblem a red star; Sir Gavin is the first knight.

Knights of the Raven -

                                   The Raven Knights served King Korax Sanqualus one thousand years ago; members

                                                          included Sir Arundel, Sir Lykus, Sir Garridan, Sir Erindor, Sir Rigelus, Sir Bavol, Sir Maldav,

                                                          Sir Scrydon, Sir Aldagar and Sir Thule. (Dukedoms later named after eight honorable


Royal Knights -        Sir Rikard is the first knight; Zachary is his squire.


Assassin Guild - Known to kidnap royals and nobles and sell them for profits as well as murder for hire.

Eagle Magic Guild - 

                               A secret society of magic users; members are Kornak the Magnificent; the Ruby Sisters -

                                                   Isueda, Jesmonde, and Vivian; Grangwayna of the Lake; Tembol; Vatan the Black;

                                                   and Hescariot the Bold.

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